2020-10-21 · The Vatican’s policy of warm relations and “peaceful coexistence”—called Ostpolitik after the policy of détente of West German Chancellor Willy Brandt towards Communist East Germany—began nearly sixty years ago in the pontificate of Pope John XXIII and continued with his successors.


The Vatican «Ostpolitik» 1958-1978 communist regimes of East Central Europe commenced by the Holy See in the 1960s did not provoke only lively debates 

There, the Ostpolitik led to the serious penetration of the Vatican by communist secret intelligence agencies, including the Soviet KGB, the East German Stasi, the Czechoslovak StB, the Polish SB, His approach to the subject of China — at times obsequious and never confrontational — is evidence of the Vatican’s turn to Ostpolitik under his watch. This term, meaning, “Eastern policy,” originated in West Germany during the Cold War. Ostpolitik was an attempt was made at détente between the Western world and the Soviet Bloc. If Ostpolitik was so wrong-headed, and if John Paul II allegedly charted a different course for the Vatican than Ostpolitik, then why did John Paul II make Casaroli his Secretary of State, knowing full well that Casaroli was the chief architect of Ostpolitik? VATICAN'S OSTPOLITIK 285 ameliorate the situation of Catholics in the region and provide the church with sufficient freedom to carry out its pastoral activities.

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Well. No serious student of these matters judges the Ostpolitik a success. And the Paulus Gesellschaft (Society of Paul), which normally promotes dialogue between Christians and Marxists, denounced the Vatican Ostpolitik as “Machiavellian” because it wants to “impose a Roman-Soviet peace on the world.” 2020-03-02 Declaration of Resistance to the Vatican Ostpolitik Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Thirty years ago, Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira published his Declaration of Resistance to the Vatican Ostpolitik with communist regimes. During the pontificates of John XXIII and Paul VI, the Vatican adopted a tolerant approach toward communist regimes that denied Catholic principles of Faith and social doctrine. The Vatican’s latest openings to China resemble the path traced by the old Ostpolitik of Card. Agostino Casaroli.

Moscow and the Vatican’s Ostpolitik in the 1960s and 1970s 73 in the international arena were functional to bolstering Russian Orthodoxy in regard to the Soviet power, which in the Khrushchev years had tightened its anti-religious policy in order to reduce the space for religious commu- nities, primarily the Russian Orthodox Church.27 Nikodim considered the Moscow patriarchate’s presence on the international scene not so much as a price to pay but rather as an opportunity for the Church.

Archives – it is östpolitik.” i Väst möter öst. Norden och Ryssland genom his- torien. (red. American Presidential debate, then pivoting to Pope Francis snubbing Cardinal Zen of Hong Kong as the Vatican?s INSANE Ostpolitik with Beijing continues,  Pope Francis's New Ostpolitik with Communist China is Just Like the Old One The Second Vatican Council's New Theology by Luiz Sérgio Solimeo, Part II. Titolo del libro, The vatican «ostpolitik» 1958-1978.

I. THE VATICAN OSTPOLITIK IS LAUNCHED (1919-1925) «A formal condemnation of the Marxist heresy (Henri Daniel-Rops pertinently remarks) had seemed to be due since the triumph of Communism in holy Russia and the manifest danger to the world from its propaganda.» 1 Correct.

The Vatican’s latest openings to China resemble the path traced by the old Ostpolitik of Card. Agostino Casaroli. Then as now, the Holy See’s moves have provoked and provoke disagreements 2018-02-15 · That strategy, in turn, strengthened the most vigorous national Catholic community in the Soviet sphere, even as the Vatican Ostpolitik was weakening local Churches in other Warsaw Pact countries. With its Ostpolitik with communist countries, the Vatican was sending an unspoken message to Catholics: Stop fighting against Communism.

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Well. No serious student of these matters judges the Ostpolitik a success. His approach to the subject of China — at times obsequious and never confrontational — is evidence of the Vatican’s turn to Ostpolitik under his watch. This term, meaning, “Eastern policy,” originated in West Germany during the Cold War. Ostpolitik was an attempt was made at détente between the Western world and the Soviet Bloc.
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Alberto Melloni, “Between Ostpolitik and Ecumenism: Relations between Rome and. Moscow during Vatican II,” in The Holy Russian Church and Western 

Polish Pope. HANSJAKOB STEHLE. "A diplomat of the Holy See is first and foremost a priest," said Pope Paul. VI while  The Vatican «Ostpolitik» 1958-1978 communist regimes of East Central Europe commenced by the Holy See in the 1960s did not provoke only lively debates  17 Sep 2020 Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin confirmed Sept. Weigel writes: "The failed Vatican Ostpolitik in Central and Eastern Europe  On the same day, at a UN conference on diplomatic and consular relations, Agostino Casaroli, the architect of the Vatican's own Ostpolitik (policy towards the   Alberto Melloni, “Between Ostpolitik and Ecumenism: Relations between Rome and.